News & Topics

06 April 2015
Smiski Series 2 & Smiski Sensor Light

Smiski Series 2 and Smiski Sensor Light are finally here!

We found more mysterious Smiski hiding in the corners!
Smiski series 2 features new Smiski in different poses, all with different personalities.
For example, we found a Smiski that is always pushing things together and making his own little corners (see “Smiski Pushing” pose). Then there is another guy who is always trying to listen into your conversation (“Smiski Listening”).

Also, there is the Smiski Sensor Light... which is much larger than the average Smiski!
When you turn off the lights in your room, he will react to the darkness and light up automatically.
You might spot some little Smiski come out from their corners to check out this new giant friend of theirs.

All Smiski products are available from our online store: